Committee Group for Jurd Al-Qayteh & Dreib Al-Awsat


The RESLOG Committee Group (R.C.G.) established by SALAR International is an initiative aimed at uniting different sectors of society, including refugees.

The purpose of the R.C.G. is manifold: it aims at strengthening the relationship between local authorities and communities through building capacities, raising awareness about municipal context, good governance and active citizenship. Moreover, it helps create a model for the currently changing socio-economic and state of democracy.

The committee was assembled following several stages through all projects and activities implemented within RESLOG: group discussions, volunteering in Salamati app and touristic map data collection, municipal survey meetings, recruitment of the First Responder Team, and meeting with different stakeholders.


Outcome: Since its start in 2019, this committee has been growing organically, leading to a longer-term cooperation in active citizenship and bringing different community members together: Refugees, Lebanese men and women, and local authorities.

Organically grow the holistic world view of disruptive innovation via empowerment.
RESLOG DÜNYADATürkiye, Lübnan, İsveç
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RESLOG by AnahtarCreative. Tüm Hakları Saklıdır.